
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 19:53:47
1.一定有三名学生在教师里。 2.不可能有一些面包在冰箱里。 3.我把我的车撞向了另一辆车。 4.他摔伤了没有?她想她摔伤了她的脚踝。她站不起来了。 5.我家隔壁是个法国人。 6.数以百计的学生准备去2006年的沈阳世园会。 7.妈妈昨天对我说的话非常的满意。 8.没人知道在那个架子上的化学书是谁的。 9.我不相信那是真实的。 10.有一个冰箱在桌子的右边吗? 11.早点起床,否则你就会迟到。 12.请不要把护照给人看。 13.她正穿过森林。 14.今天天气很坏。 15.我的妹妹比你学习好得多。 16.看,一位小孩正在穿过繁忙的马路。

1. Must have three teachers, students. 2. There can be no bread in the refrigerator. 3 I take my car crashed into another car. 4. Him out of a no? She would like her out of her ankle. She could not stand up the. 5. Next to my home is a Frenchman. 6. Hundreds of students prepared to the 2006 World Park in Shenyang. 7. Mother said to me yesterday very satisfied with it. 8. Nobody knows that airs in the book who is the chemical. 9 I do not believe that is true. 10. There is a refrigerator in the right side of the table? 11. Get up as soon as possible, otherwise, you will be late. 12. Please do not Geirenkan the passport. 13. She was through the forest. 14. Bad weather today. 15. Sister I learn much better than you. 16. View, a child is through the busy road.

1,Must have three students in classroom.
2,There can be no bread in the fridge.
3,I put my car crashed into another car

1.Definitely have three students within the teacher. 2. It be impossible to have a little