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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 12:42:04
Late medieval architecture is traditionally synonymous with Gothic, the style of the soaring cathedrals that dominate the skylines of European cities even today. Chartres Cathedral (see 124) can be seen from many miles away; only the grain silos that stud the arable lands in which the city lies can rival the cathedral's silhouette. Built of fine, creamy-grey limestone, Chartres is an immense aisled basilica [5], three storey’s high and roofed with a cross-ribbed vault. Above the pointed arcade is a narrow passage in the thickness of the wall, and tall clerestory windows which reach high into the vault space. The piers carry capitals decorated with the bunched, stylized leaves known as crockets, and have colonnades attached to each axial face. The colon-nettles towards the central vessel continue up the wall to meet the transverse arches of the vault and mark the division into bays. Lines of colonnades and vault robe link the two sides and emphasize the thinness already apparent in


已故的中世纪建筑,是传统的同义词,哥特式风格的飙升所大教堂,总揽skylines的欧洲城市即使到了今天。 chartres大教堂(见124页) ,可从许多英里以外,只有谷仓说,种了农地,其中市谎言,可媲美大教堂的人影。内置的罚款,奶油-灰色石灰岩, chartres是一个巨大的aisled大教堂[ 5 ] , 3层高的高度和屋顶的一个跨带肋拱顶。上述有针对性的房间是一个狭窄的通道,在墙的厚度,及高大clerestory窗户,其中达到高成拱顶空间。码头上进行装饰,省会与束,程式化的树叶被称为crockets ,并已colonnades重视每一个轴面。结肠荨麻对中央船只继续了墙上,以满足横向拱拱顶和马克分设成槽。线colonnades和跳马长袍的联系,双方并强调变薄已经十分明显,在砌筑。它似乎是一个奇迹,这种结构可以支持一个沉重的石头拱顶。以下是一个奇迹,比花招,另一方面,上层建筑和压力的拱顶进行了一个棚架拱飞支墩放在靠近建筑物的单曲外。

晚中世纪建筑学与哥特式,甚而今天控制欧洲城市地平线高昂大教堂的样式传统上是同义的。 沙特尔大教堂(参见124)能从许多英里外被看见; 散布耕地城市谎言可能抵抗大教堂的剪影仅的谷粮仓。 被修造美好,乳脂状灰色石灰石,沙特尔一间巨大教堂[5],三层的高和顶房顶与一个十字架有肋骨穹顶。 在针对性的拱廊之上是在墙壁的厚度的一个狭窄的段落和到达高入穹顶空间的高天窗窗