
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 06:55:11
我实在百度MP3搜索 君生我未生我生君已老出来的歌 感觉很好听 有的词句听的不是很清楚 哪位高手来听一下并且翻译成汉语 ?

You still love her 你依旧深爱着她
  You don't know me yet 但却始终不了解我
  So I'm leaving Before you do 于是我决定在你离我而去之前一个
  So don't whisper 所以,你无须再耳语
  Don't wonder 无须再彷徨
  Don't miss her 也无须再忍受思念她的那份煎熬
  Just go and find her 只要去她身边找她就好。
  I make your choice 我替你做决定
  I make your wisdom 我让你变得聪明
  I make you fall 我属于你
  From your resistance 而这一切却始终引来你的排斥
  I will think 我想
  That I'm just too late 这也许是因为我太晚才出现在你前 I will think hard 我拼命地思考之后
  That it has nothing to do with me 发觉这一切似乎都与我无关
  So I'm leaving 于是,我决定离开
  While I'm stronger 在我还没有垮掉之前
  I'm leaving 我决定默默走开
  Because our love is younger 也许都是因为我们的爱还太年轻。
  I make your choi