
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 19:41:41
1.( )当我们老师进来时,the students were singing.
2.I was in the bedroom,( )他来看我时.
3.SALLY was standing in front of the library,( )天下雨时.
4.( )凯蒂去学校的时候,she saw a car in the tree.
5.( )我爸在看报纸 at 8:00 yesterday.
6.I was deep in thought ( )这时电话铃响了.
7.He look notes ( )他一边听老师讲课.

1.While our teacher was coming in
2.when he came to see me
3.while it was raining outside
4.When Ketty went to school
5.My father was reading the newspaper
6.while the phone was rang
7.while he was listening to the teacher
