
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 08:14:22
中国整车物流行业起步于20世纪90年代,伴随着中国汽车产业的逐步发展,经历了从无到有、从粗浅到专业 、从被动仿效到主动创新的发展提升过程。但目前还处于行业发展的初级阶段,法规制度还完善,行业标准没有形成,与发达国家先进的整车物流业的一体化和整合化程度相比,国内汽车整车物流企业仍然是各自为政,互不相容,呈现出一种数量多,分布散,规模小,服务窄,效率低,却竞争激烈的局面。

China started with the vehicle logistics industry in the 1990s, along with China's automobile industry to the progressive development, we have from scratch, from the superficial to professional, from passive to active follow the development of the process of upgrading innovation. It is still in the initial stage of development of the industry, laws and regulations also improved, industry standards have not been formed, with the developed countries advanced vehicle integration and logistics industry compared to the degree of integration of the domestic motor logistics enterprises is still fragmented, and mutual incompatible, and display a large number of scattered, small-scale, service narrow, low efficiency, but the competitive situation.