
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:42:27
与顾客联盟 :从市场营销的角度看,企业给每位顾客提供个性化服务,就必须把每个顾客作为一个细分市场。因此,企业必须改变以往“以生产为导向”的观念转变成“以顾客需要为中心”营销观念。与顾客联盟的最大好处是能够很快掌握顾客需求变化的动态。另外,与顾客联盟能够及时得到顾客的指导。现代的顾客中,很大一部分是各个方面的专家,他们最了解产品所存在的不足,最清楚今后的发展趋势,及时收集这方面的意见和建议,才能留住更多的回头客。专家型的顾客扮演着前导指示的角色,告诉市场的走向,提供各种点子。拜顾客为师,企业才能在个性化服务中精益求精,以超越现有产品和服务,为顾客提供更大附加价值。
网络制胜 :要利用现代科技手段提高个性化服务水平,而因特网为个性化服务提供了良好的基础。企业可以建立一个优良的电子商务网络平台,通过企业的内部顾客资料和网上联络的方式得到顾客的需求信息。如果企业能够很好地整合企业的内部资源和外部资源(如供应商、代理商、承运商等),提高其生产、采购及配送的准确性,从而能在快速变化的市场上提高服务效率,最终使顾客满意。如“当当网”采用现代科技手段,实行书籍网上销售,以互联网为媒介,利用信息技术进行网上采购、销售,使用户足不出户就可以享受到“当当网”的服务,购到自己满意的产品。利用Internet销售,满足了广大消费者在价格、品种、质量的方便查询、节省时间,节省采购费用、提高工作效率的愿望,也便于收集广大消费者对产品的需求信息、特殊要求,意见和建议,使我们与消费者贴的更近了,更好地实现个性化服务。

Secondly provide personalized service
Traditional marketing concepts to customers as consumer demand is a similar group of one, not customers as a unique look at the needs of the individual, the provision of products and services can meet the target markets are similar to those customers can not meet the needs of every a personalized customer needs. Customer satisfaction to a large extent with one-sidedness and limitations. Therefore, if a comprehensive customer satisfaction, it must provide personalized service.
Union and the customer: from the point of view of marketing, business to each customer personalized service, we must take every customer as a market segment. Therefore, enterprises must change the past, "production-oriented" concept into "the needs of customers for the center" marketing concept. Union with the largest customer benefits can be quickly grasped the dynamic changes in customer demand. In addition, customers can get the customer gui