关于value chain accounting的英文文章

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 16:54:15

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Should You Buy Your Customer's Values? On the Transfer of Moral Values in Industrial Purchasing
Lutz Preuss
Abstract This article discusses a transfer of moral values between purchasing and supplying organisation in the manufacturing sector. In the first...

International Journal of Value-Based Management, Volume 13, Number 2 / 2000年5月

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The Decoupling of Value Creation from Revenue: A Strategic Analysis of the Markets for Pure Information Goods
Eric K. Clemons and Karl R. Lang
...their fans, and digital production and distribution have reduced or eliminated the value of other assets owned by the record companies. The framework we use...

Information Technology and Management, Volume 4, Numbers 2-3 / 2003年4月
PDF (5.8 KB)

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The Hidden Value of Knowledge in New Products
Jie Yang, Liming Yu and C