
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 00:29:06
摘要:电子商务(Electronic Commerce)的基本内涵就是利用现代先进的电子技术从事各种商务活动。电子商务并不是一个新鲜的事物,但是直到90年代中期以后,随着信息技术的突破、互联网的蓬勃发展和世界经济的日益融合,电子商务才迅速地发展起来,并且对传统的商务活动方式产生日益深远的影响。随着时间的推移,各国政府和商界渐渐有了这样的共识,电子商务不仅仅是一种改良的贸易手段,它对传统贸易的各个方面,甚至从广义上来说对整个经济活动、社会生活都产生了革命性冲击。一国或一个企业电子商务的发展程度如何,直接关系到他们在将来的全球经济竞争中的地位。研究电子商务条件下企业如何开展国际贸易,不但有助于推动我国在电子商务领域的理论研究,而且在实践上,也为各大、中、小型企业,尤其是传统的跨国经营提供了理论依据和价值参考。同时相信随着中国经济的不断发展,这一研究将会有更加突飞猛进的发展。

Abstract: Electronic commerce (Electronic Commerce) the basic connotation is engaged in each kind of commercial activity using the modern advanced electronic technology. Electronic commerce is not a fresh thing, but after the mid-90s, along with information technology's breakthrough, Internet's vigorous development and world economics' day-by-day fusion, electronic commerce only then rapidly develops, and has day by day the profound influence to the traditional commercial activity way. With the lapse of time, various countries' government and the business circle had such mutual recognition, electronic commerce are not only one improvement trade method gradually, it to traditional trade each aspect, even from generalized to the entire economic activity, social life has had the revolutionary impact. A country or an enterprise electronic commerce degree of development how, direct relation they in future global economic competition status. How under the research electron