
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:19:12
Ryan Seacrest是美国偶像的主持人,他风趣幽默,善于帮选手解围,应变能力很强,和评委Simon Cowell是“死对头”,老在一起开玩笑
Paula Abdul是三位评委中唯一的女性,对选手很会鼓励,很温和,笑容很迷人。
Simon Cowell是三位评委中最严厉的一位,如果不合他的品味他会毫不客气得向选手发难,许多话都一针见血,有点不给面子,他是前英国选秀节目的评委,
Randy Jackson是格莱美奖的获得者,资深的音乐人,点评比较中肯,也很专业,和Paula是统一战线


Ryan Seacrest is the host of American Idol, his witty humor, good at helping players, the resilience of strong, and judges Simon Cowell is "deadly foe," the old joke together
Paula Abdul is the only three female judges, the players will be very encouraging, very mild, very charming smile.
Simon Cowell is the three judges in the most severe one, if not his taste he would not polite to the players in the attack, many are so sharply, somewhat to the face, a former British draft programme of the judges,
Randy Jackson is a Grammy Award winner, veteran of the music, Comments relatively fair, very professional, and Paula is the united front