
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 22:19:19
1、But she could only be make to pay up if she accepted blame for the war.(编号:10-348)
2、So the Allies included a clause pinning the guilt on Germany.(10-349)
3、for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and associated governments and their national have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies(10-351~354)
4、expecting to find an even-handed settlement infused with Wilson's sense of fair play.(10-356)
5、The policy of reduceing Germany to servitude for a generation of degrading the lives of millions of human beings should be abhorrent and detestable(10-365)
6、But Clemenceau believed the terms were fully justified and Wilson's line had toughened.(10-367)
7、but as a liberal he was apalled, by the way she'd waged war,
and as President of the United States, he wanted America's loans repaid.(10-369~370)
8、The much-touted principle that people should govern themsel

一,但她只可作出的支付,如果她接受归咎于战争。 (编号: 10 - 348 )
2 ,因此盟国,包括第寄托有罪就德国。 ( 10-349 )
3 ,造成的一切损失和损害,其中专职人员和有关各国政府和本国所受到的作为的后果,战争强加给他们的侵略,德国和她的盟友( 10-351 〜 354 )
四,期待找到一个甚至是霸道的解决充满了威尔逊的意识,公平竞争。 ( 10-356 )
五,政策减德国奴役为一代有辱人格的生命,数百万人应可恶可恨( 10-365 )
六,但克里蒙梭相信条款充分的理据和卫奕信的路线已增韧。 ( 10-367 )
7 ,但作为一个自由,他apalled ,由她要发动战争,
作为美国总统,他希望美国的贷款偿还。 ( 10-369 〜 370 )
8日,备受吹捧的原则,人民应该自己管理自己并不适用于欧洲以外地区和帝国主义是宽恕。 ( 10-377 〜 378 )
9 ,唯一的一件事,我不断去是希望为天复仇,但已为期不远了可能( 10-385 )
10 ,他听错了,由刚刚65天。 ( 10-391 )