翻译成英语 急急急!在线等!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 11:30:23
当一心不相信野兽存在的西蒙遇到 “蝇王”时,他很明确的发觉了,其实真正的“野兽”在人的内心深处,是人的原恶、原罪的表象。当他得知山顶上一直被误认的“野兽”其实是飞行员的尸体后,坚持要下山把这一真相告诉大家。但没有人听得进去他的话。他在一次原始野蛮的狂舞中被当作野兽活活打死了。

嗯。。一楼的确像是从哪里粘来的 - 有点语法问题

When Simon, who did not believe in the existence of the beast, confronts "the Lord of the Flies", he sees that the real beast is buried inside the heart of men. That it is manifestation of the original sins as men falls fall from the grace of civilization into the terrifying wilderness . When he tried to the be sole voice of reason among a group of beasts by telling the others about the pilot. They closed their hearts and refused to listen and instead beat him savagely to death.

Simon's murder is a inevitable consequence of the primordial lust and violence that rose out of the children's heart. His death clearly symbolizes a destruction men's conscience.

Clearly what actually constitutes the beast is unimportant, its real function is to highlight the savage instinct in the heart of men.

When the heart did not believe that Simon encountered the beast "Lord of the Flies", he found a very