
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:27:05
1 随着经济全球化的进展和中国加入WTO,中国将在更大的范围,更广的领域,更高的层次上参与国际竞争和技术合作。

2 自然保护区的建立,使一批具有代表性,典型性和科学研究价值的自然生态系统和珍稀物种得到有效保护。

1.With the progress of economic globalization and China's accession to WTO, China will, in a larger scope, wider area, a higher level to participate in international competition and technical cooperation. 2.The establishment of nature reserves, a number of representative and typical of scientific research and the value of natural ecosystems and the effective protection of rare species.

Will join WTO along with the economical globalization progress with China, China in a greater scope, a broader domain, in a higher level will participate in the international competition and the technical collaboration

The nature protection area establishment, enable one batch to have the representation, the typical nature and the scientific research value natural ecosystem and the rare and precious species obtains the effective protection.