某物被捧在手上 用英文怎么说?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 16:38:35

be held on someone's hands

be hold by someone's hands

hold是握着, 正解 sth is on sb's palm.

捧: [ pěng ]
[ 国标码:C5F5 部首:扌 笔画:11 笔顺:12111134112 ]

1. hold or offer with both hands

1. 他用手把硬币捧了起来.
He scooped the coins up in his hands.

2. 这个魁梧的男人穿着同样的衣服,在他那馅饼盘大小的手里捧着另外一只小猫。
The huge man was wearing the same clothes and carrying another kitten in his pie plate hand.

3. 他用冰凉的手捧起一杯滚热的巧克力饮料。
He cupped his cold hands round the cup of hot chocolate.