急求国际贸易惯例 英文翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 01:39:56
4.2.1 合同可以明示或默示的方式受国际经济贸易惯例的约束

4.2.1 contract may be expressly or impliedly, to the international economic and trade practice restraint
If the contract by expressly or impliedly, to accept the international economy and trade practices bound to the contract the parties bound by international practice, a legally binding. "United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods," the first 10 pairs of international practice made the following specific requirements:
1. "The parties have agreed that any practices established between them and any practices that are binding on the parties." So-called "already agreed" to be understood as the parties expressly agreed. For example, in the contract clearly indicates that this contract in accordance with international practice XXXX explained that under the XXXX or oral interpretation of international practice, then the international practice is binding on the parties.
2. "Unless otherwise agreed, the parties