
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 01:47:57
写1篇关于收藏硬币德英语作文 大概要6句话左右

其实帮忙翻译一下 下面德
谢谢你送给我德硬币,这大概成为我最喜欢德乐业余爱好乐, 我现在也收藏乐许多硬币,我妈妈也在帮我收藏,我现在有一些美币 有泰铢 马币

Thank you so much for the coins you presented to me. Collecting coins has been my great hobby. And now I have collections from different countries, including US cents, Tailand Baht, Malaysia Ringgit. I like collecting very much,and my mother gives me much support and help in collecting.
