
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 21:28:34


最后根据结论得出以提高企业管理能力、建立核心品牌以及技术创新等三大关键 因素构建了我国船舶制造企业核心竞争力的基本框架,并在此架构下提出了培育我国船舶制造企业核心竞争力的四个重要战略选择——成本领先战略、人才战略、品牌战略和信息化战略。针对四大战略,提出了提升我国船舶制造业核心竞争力具体措施建议。

The Chinese ship-building industry's core competitiveness research and the countermeasure suggested


the ships manufacturing industry is an industrial interrelatedness is high; The scale of production is big; Labor force, fund and technology-intensive industry. It often may manifest a national modern manufacturing industry level, at the same time its development will draw a national the industrialization and the modernization process, will promote the economic development. Therefore, studies our country ships Manufacturing firm competitive power superior inferiority and the enterprise core competitiveness internationally, regarding promotes Our country Ships Enterprise's status, speeds up Our country Ships Enterprise own development, promotes the ships manufacturing industry whole progress, thus promotes our country new industrialization construction, the stable coordinated sustained development our country's national economy to have the v