谁帮我把英语翻译成中文啊 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:44:12
I am Ms Vivian Danjuma, 20 years old the only surviving daughter of late
Dr and Mrs Nicolas Danjum Danjuma, I am in possesion of some documents covering the deposit of US$5.4 Million (Five million, Four hundred thousand US dollars) which my late father deposited in one bank in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire.I have verified the transaction with the bank here and it's authencity is clear. This fund is of no criminal origin as it was realised from sales of the alluvial gold dust.

I am soliciting for your kind assistance in retrieving and claiming this fund from the bank here as my father's business associate and have it transferred to your account in your country for investment. You will also serve as the guardian to this fund as i'm not at all knowledgeable in the international business world. I will give you further details as soon as I hear from you, and we will discuss terms and percentage subsequently but you must treat highly confidentail.


我是小姐薇薇安 Danjuma,20 岁唯一的生还女儿迟的
医生和尼古拉斯太太 Danjum Danjuma,我在包含的我已故的父亲在阿比尚棚 d'Ivoire 的一个银行中存放的美金五百四十万元 (五百万,四十万美元) 的存款一些文件的 possesion 中。我已经以在这里的银行查证交易,而且资讯科技是 authencity 是清楚的。 当它是的时候,这基金是没有犯罪的起源从冲积的砂金售卖了解。

我正在取回而且宣称来自银行的这基金如我父亲的生意这里同伴方面为你的亲切协助恳求和它对在你的国家中的你帐户为投资转移了。 当我一点也不是聪明的在国际的生意世界中的时候,你也将会担任监护人到这基金。 我将会给你促进细节一旦我听到你的消息,而且我们将会后来讨论期限和百分比但是你一定高度地对待 confidentail 。



