翻译下啊 帮帮忙啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 02:18:19
请不要用那个在线翻译来耍我啊!!!!!!!!!谢谢了 我只有10分了也全部加上来了帮帮忙啊

The rapid development of enterprises, shows the vitality of the enterprise can flourish, but also exposed the existence of internal problems. Even before the system is reasonable because many enterprises have become the increasing scale of the development of enterprises cumbersome. The enterprise diagnosis, analysis and improvement has therefore imperative. Diagnosis will enable enterprises Zhiyizhibi enterprises, for the various issues of timely analysis and take corresponding measures. In this paper, Zhejiang Hongfa Furniture Industries Limited for the study, use 7 - S model of the enterprises, enterprises find the existing problems through the SWOT method of enterprises inside and outside the state of the environment analysis, to make the right strategic planning; Finally come in line with the organization, systems, style, personnel and skills, eventually forming a scientific and rational management system to ensure sustainable and rational development of enterprises.