中译英 不要在线翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 07:53:17
为了解决柴油机在正常工作过程中其燃油压力不断变化的问题,现代柴油机采用了一种被称为“高压共轨”的新技术。高压共轨技术是指在由高压油泵、压力传感器和 ECU组成的闭环系统中,将柴油喷射压力的产生和柴油喷射过程彼此完全分开的一种供油方式,它由高压油泵把高压燃油输送到公共供油管 (共轨管)通过对公共供油管内的油压,实现精确控制,使高压油管内压力大小与柴油机的转速无关,可以大幅度减小柴油机转速变化对柴油机供油压力的影响,因此,也就克服了传统柴油机的缺陷。
图 1所示为高压共轨电控燃油喷射系统的基本组成。它主要由电控单元、高压油泵、共轨管电控喷油器及各种传感器等组成。低压燃油泵将燃油输入高压油泵,高压油泵将燃油加压送入高压共轨管,高压共轨管中的压力由电控单元根据油轨压力传感器测量的油轨压力以及需要的共轨压力进行调节。根据柴油机的运行状态,由电控单元从预设的MAP图中确定合适的喷油定时喷油持续期,再由电液控制的电子喷油器将从高压油轨经高压油管输送来的燃油喷入气缸。

High-pressure common rail diesel engine technology have a tradition of high-speed operation in the process of completing its first diesel injection used by only a few seconds per thousand, while in the process of spraying high-pressure pipeline pressure around with time and location of the different and constantly changing As the compressibility of diesel and diesel high-pressure pipeline in the pressure fluctuations, the actual situation with the fuel pump injection plunger supply of the existence of the larger differences. Sometimes the main jet, the pipeline will pressure fluctuation in the high-pressure pipeline pressure rise again, even to open the injector needle necessary pressure so that the needle will be closed re-opened, a second injection of . As the second injection can not be completely burn, increasing the exhaust of harmful substances such as hydrocarbon emissions, but also an increase of fuel consumption. In addition, each spray cycle of high-pressure pipeline after