
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 13:25:02

泰国甜品是种类繁多、香甜可口,鲜果、糯米、鸡蛋是主要成分,一般来说,甜品是由鸡蛋、大米磨成的粉,糯米、莲子、棕树糖、大薯粉和椰子为素材,而鲜果是往往增加甜品的香味。这些水果包括椰子、香蕉、菠萝、橙类及其他。另一特色是用水?? 浸花(如茉莉花或玫瑰花瓣),用含花香的水来做糖浆。最简单的“冰浮”(COOL FLOAT),各类澄类水果本身有甜酸的味道,切成碎片,再加上糖浆和冰快,浮一两片玫瑰或茉莉花瓣。相信在炎炎夏天里,这无疑是最佳的清凉甜品了。


Thailand is not only a world famous tourist big country, is also a gourmet's paradise. Thai Food for the people of the world well-known, whether its taste is spicy or mild following the integration between the doctrine of the mean mutual tolerance. In fact, the Thai food culture is subject to Eastern and Western cultural impact of a combination of development up to now extremely local characteristics of Thai cuisine has more than 100 century, the Thai taste and can form the basis of different cooks, Chike, a specific And even cooking in place to decide, each dish can be based on consumer tastes and eating habits to the production process. A spicy Thai-equipped with well-known, the mining of natural ingredients for fresh agricultural products mainly Thai seasonings and more complex unique to citronella, South ginger, lemon, red onion, pepper Ruwei small, and add fish sauce, Xiajiang, Coconut milk, etc. dozen of the local specialty spices. Thailand, famous dishes such as Liangban