
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 07:56:44
在影片中,你能看到纽约市被淹的镜头:慌乱的人群 飞起的汽车 破碎的玻璃,后面是楼一样高的巨浪…你能看到发生在夏威夷度假海边胜地受到飓风侵袭的场面。人类在大灾难面前,亲情 友情 爱情——人类的情感经受了重大的考验。人道主义精神激发出了人性的光辉。所以人在灾难的面前都表现出先人后己的勇气。有的人为了救别人,自己被冻死了;有的人为了不连累别人,放弃了生的希望。我们必须爱护环境,保护环境。

In the film, you can see the City of New York flooded the lens: panic in the crowd Feiqi car broken glass, followed by floor, as high waves… you can see in the seaside holiday resort in Hawaii by the hurricane Scenes. In the face of human disaster, family friendship love - human emotion withstand a major test. Stimulate the humanitarian spirit of the glorious humanity. So people in the disaster have shown their ancestors before them after their courage. Some people in order to save others, they were frozen to death; some people in order not to Lianlei others, give up the hope of Health. We must care for the environment, protect the environment.
Mainly stresses the destruction of human beauty of nature, but by the serious nature of the punishment. Therefore, we must care for the environment, protecting the environment, from their starting side from the start of each small matter. Only in this way can we protect our homeland to live.