
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:36:38
【摘要】:农民工是在当代中国的制度变迁和社会转型期间出现的特殊劳动群体, 为中国的城镇化、工业化、现代化做出了巨大贡献,但是他们的社会保障状况却不尽如人意。对于农民工的社会保障问题也早已引起了全社会的广泛关注。究其原因,既有社会体制方面的,也有立法和管理层面的;既有思想认识方面的,也有资金方面的。针对建立与完善农民工社会保障进程中的各种制约因素,就要从现实条件和农民工的需要出发,加快体制改革,转变政府理念,建立适合农民工特点的社会保障制度,最终逐渐形成一元化的社会保障体系。

Abstract: The Farmer workers in China today is the system changes and social transformation during the special working group for China's urbanization, industrialization and modernization has made tremendous contributions, but their social security situation is not satisfactory. For migrant workers of the Social Security issue has long aroused widespread concern in society as a whole. The reason, both the social system, there are legislative and regulatory level; both the thinking and understanding, but also financial. For the establishment and perfection of the social security of migrant workers in the process of the various constraints, should be from the actual conditions and the needs of migrant workers, speeding up structural reforms, change the government's concept of migrant workers for the establishment of the characteristics of the social security system, gradually formed the ultimate unification of the The social security system.