
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 16:05:05


[摘 要] 由于立法的粗疏以及司法实践的极端复杂性,我国的死刑复核程序在立法规范与司法实践层面均存在着许多缺陷和不足,并且这些缺陷和不足已经影响到死刑案件的公正判决,影响到程序正义。有论者认为,我国死刑复核程序在有效参与、裁判中立、平等对待、公开听证、及时终结原则上的缺失,背离了程序正义的要求,而在纠错功能不足和死刑适用标准混乱上,又构成对实体正义的损害。解决这些问题,强化死刑复核程序在保障死刑案件审判质量,防止错杀等方面发挥积极作用,已成为我们当务之急。本文拟着针对现存的复核程序的现状,并结合相关的理论知识,对这些问题提出自己的一些观点。

About review procedures of death penalty cases in our country and about their defects (or deficiency) and possible supplementation thereof
[摘 要] 由于立法的粗疏以及司法实践的极端复杂性,我国的死刑复核程序在立法规范与司法实践层面均存在着许多缺陷和不足,并且这些缺陷和不足已经影响到死刑案件的公正判决,影响到程序正义。
[synopsis] Due to the lack of consideration from the legislature and the complexity faced by the executive branch, the existing review procedures for death penality cases suffer from both defective legislative procedures and ineffectiveness in practice. These deficiencies have serious impact on the fair administration of justice, espcially in death penalty cases.

According to some(scholars), the existing review procedures for death penalty cases are violative of procedural due process, and consequently, they are also ineffecitve in participation and arbitration processes, and neither do they promote the goals of equal p