
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 17:51:26
In addition, since the multiple use of the vehicle can share the fixed cost and may reduce the total cost arising in the logistic system, the permitted working duration of the vehicle as well as the travel time of such vehicle along the trip is also considered.
It is worth noting that inventory lot-sizing models where transportation costs are considered explicitly are rich. Burns, Hall, Blumenfeld and Daganzo (1985) developed analytic methods for minimizing total inventory and distribution costs under know demand. Abdelwahab and Sargious (1990) presented a selected dispatching policy each time a demand arrives so as to specify a shipment release schedule.
Russell and Krajewski (1991), Higginson and Bookbinder (1994) identified practical operating routines for temporal consolidation such that the service requirements are met and scale economics can be realized. An extensive review of the routing and inventory models for freight distribution problem was given by Baita, Ukovich,

楼主 看看我翻译的行不行 花了很大力气,不知道好不好!!?!

存储那些明确考虑到运输成本的大规模的模型并没有多大用处。Burns, Hall, Blumenfeld and Daganzo (1985)逐步设计除了如何在已知需求量的前提下减少库存和运输成本的方法。Abdelwahab and Sargious (1990)提出了一个供选择的在每次了解到需求量后快速调度的策略,来把此次运输任务列入目录并付诸执行。
Russell and Krajewski (1991), Higginson and Bookbinder (1994)把每一项实际的操作途径看作是暂时的,以致于满足各种不同的需求,也使得规模经济学得到展示,Baita, Ukovich, Pesenti, and Favaretto (1998).则广泛回顾了这一过程,并且给出了用以解决货物运送问题应采用的库存模式。Cetinkaya and Lee (2000)也提出了一个分析模式,此模式用于在vendor-managed i(可能是:小贩式库存系统中)决定如何同进行级库存和物品运输。

对此种交通工具进行多方式使用,使得固定成本和可变成本都得到考虑,但是,以前的报告中都没有考虑到这一效果,因此从切合实际的观点出发, 仍然有必要 采用那中能够在库存模式中考虑到运输成本的分析模型。

值得注意的是,库存批量模型的情况下,运输成本被认为是明确有丰富的。烧伤,礼堂,布鲁门菲尔德和daganzo ( 1985年)发展的分析方法,为最大限度地减少总库存及分销成本下,知道的需求。 abdelwahab和sargious ( 1990年)提交了一份选定的调度政策,每一次的需求抵达,以便指定装运新闻稿公布时间表。
罗素和克拉耶夫斯基( 1991 ) ,希金森和bookbinder ( 1994年)确定的实际运行例行颞巩固