1.沿着这条路走 2.去南京的路 (分别用英语怎么说?)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 01:50:47

1.Walk(go) along this road(street).
2.the way to Nanjing.

down the street
how could i go to nanjing就是问去南京怎么走,楼上两位好像没有设身处地的为提问者着想啊
1:you can be there down the street。
2:how could i go to nanjing?明白英语的就会告诉你怎么走了~嘿嘿

1 go alongside this road
2 the way to Nanjing

1. Go along this road/street

2.The way to Nanjing

1.go along this strret
2.the way to Nanjing