
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:31:54
2. The model
In the supplier–retailer problem considered, we assume demand is static during the whole planning horizon and the products can be delivered after they have been ordered for L time, where L is called as the lead time and it is a predetermined parameter. In addition, the replenishment should be completed without product shortage occurring. There exists a set of homogeneous vehicles with limited capacity for delivery. In this study, we assume the vehicles are hired from the third logistic party whenever the delivery needs to be finished. The objective of the study is to minimize the whole average costs of the logistic system on the long planning horizon.
Denote the demand quantity per unit time (referring to a day in this study) by b; and y as the ordering quantity of products. Then the highest inventory occurs when y is received, and after y=b time periods the inventory quantity will be reduced to zero. Denote the capacity of the vehicle as p; the fixed cost of suc

2 。该模型
是指需求数量,每单位时间(指每天在这方面的研究) ,由B组;和Y作为订购数量的产品。然后最高库存发生时, Y是收到,后为Y = B时间时期的库存数量将减少到零。是指能力的车辆为P ;定额的费用,如车辆为F ;在这项研究中,女代表以最低的成本雇用这种车辆在一个工作日,无论多久,所有车辆将搭乘。和可变运输成本每程是C : U的准许工作时间,每天吨,是旅行时间沿每程。 K是成本,准备一声令下, H是单位库存成本每单位时间, S是单位生产成本。那么,问题是可以制订以下模型: