
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:20:55
1、 请出示您的房卡、钥匙和身份证明文件,前台人员需核对资料,只有住店客人才能免费享受贵重物品寄存服务。
2、 在您使用保险箱服务之前,需按酒店的规定填写《保险箱签名卡》,请填上您的姓名、房号、存取时间等详细信息。
3、 请妥善保管好您的贵重物品保险箱钥匙和寄存单,以便我们能为您提供安全快捷的服务。
4、 贵重物品保险箱物品的存取,需由您本人亲自办理,不允许其他人以任何形式代领。
5、 贵重物品保险箱里不得存放食品,禁止存放易燃、易爆、有毒、放射性物品或枪支、弹药等危险物品,以及具有腐蚀性、污染性等化学物品。
6、 若您在退房后15天内,未将保险箱钥匙交还酒店,酒店有权打开保险箱并移走箱内物品,不需对您或者您的法律代表承担任何责任。
7、 若您不小心丢失钥匙,需开箱取物,酒店规定必须在大堂副理、保安部及工程部人员同时在场的情况下,当着您的面开启保险箱,保证寄存物品的安全,同时您需要赔偿酒店破坏该锁后更换新锁的费用人民币200元整。


Valuables safe use
Notes guests
Distinguished guests:
When you use valuables safe, the hotel remind you:
1, please show your room card keys and identity documents, front desk staff need to check information, only住店guests can enjoy free valuables storage services.
2, in the safe use of your services, the hotel needs to fill out the provisions of the "safe signature cards", please fill in your name, room, access time, and other details.
3, shall safekeeping his your valuables safe storage and single-key, so that we can provide you with safe and efficient service.
4, valuables safe access to goods, you need to personally handle and not allow other people to and from any form.
5, valuables in the safe storage of food shall not prohibit storage of flammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive substances or firearms, ammunition and other dangerous items, as well as a corrosive, such as pollution and chemicals.
6, if you check out