
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:19:48
马克思.好报刊和坏报刊.《马克思恩格斯全集》第1卷. “究竟什么样的报刊才是‘真正’的报刊?谁是根据事实来描写事实,而谁是根据希望来描写事实呢?谁在表达社会舆论,谁在歪曲社会舆论呢?因此,谁应该受到国家的信任呢?”。

马克思.“适度”攻击的辩护《答一家“中庸”报纸的攻击》. 《马克思恩格斯全集》第1卷. “报纸和媒体不仅在事实转载上不能说谎,在精神意义上也不能说话,即必须站在人们思想感情的立场上报道事实。”

What kind of press is the 'real' newspaper » Who is based on the facts about the facts, and who wish to describe the basis of the facts? » Who in the expression of public opinion, who is in the distortion of public opinion? » Therefore, who should be trusted by the State » . "

Newspapers and the media, not only in fact can not be reproduced on lies, in the spiritual sense, is also unable to speak, that is, people must stand in the position of thoughts and feelings on the reported facts. "