
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 05:58:29
比如,Hawkes翻译红楼梦时,由于意识red一词可能使现代英语读者联想到“暴力,流血”,所以在小说中凡是“红”字他一概不译或换成别的字,如“悼红轩”译成Nostalgia Studio,“怡红院”译成“快绿院(The House of Green Delights)”,宝玉“爱红的毛病儿”干脆略去,连书名也采用小说原来曾经使用的《石头记》,译为The Story of The Stone.如果说译着照原有的书名翻译巧妙的避免了语义冲突的词red而值得称道的话,那么在小说中一概避免“红”字的翻译句不妥了。因为《红楼梦》是描述女性悲惨命运的,而“红”字大都与女性有关,因此删去它会影响读者的感受。实际上,英语的red除了有“暴力,流血”的语义外,还有褒义的一面。

Translation is both an ideal text to convey the semantic information, but also to convey the original cultural information, the two had to be at the expense of culture and information and communication semantic information. Of course, the blind pursuit of the translation of understandable and acceptable. Purchase the original terms of semantics and ignoring, or deleted from the conflict in order to avoid semantic cultural terms, this is the Buzu Qu, can not convey the original cultural information.
For example, Hawkes translation Dream of Red Mansions, the red because of awareness of the term may make modern English readers think of "violence and bloodshed", who in the novel "Red" words he can not and will not translate into or other characters, such as "Mourning Xuan Hong, "to Nostalgia Studio," Yihong Yuan "to" fast green homes (The House of Green Delights) ", Baoyu" love-child problems, "simply left out, even the t