
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 04:20:29
1)At the beginning of the first semester as a freshman, I made a lot of preparations in order to will a success in an English speech contest. (will a success对吗?)
2)I was so sad that I even thought god was unfair in that he abandoned a diligent girl and let her be reduced to a failure.(I was so sad that I even thought god was unfair in that I worked so haad but I was a failure.这两句哪句好?用in that在这合适吗?because怎么样?)
3) But for acquiring(getting) the chance to study in Japan, she determined to overcome this weak point. 用acquiring好还是getting好?
4)在平时,用at ordinary times 行吗?
5)我觉得这段话有点别扭,怎么改好呢?We are always being taught to be successful people, but we pay too much attention to the result of success and ignore the process to strive for it. Once facing failure, we belittle ourselves easily and don’t want to look for the reason.
6)这段话合适吗?怎么改? Even though I haven’t won any prize so far, I still think I am a successful freshman because the process


1."will a success"没有这个用法的,"made a lot of preparations"用的也不太自然, 这个句子读起来也有些别扭啊....可以做这样的修改:
At the beginning of the first semester ,as a freshman, I prepared a lot in order to win the success in an English speech contest.

2.这个句子也存在一些问题,一开始的"so...that..."和随后的"even "在语意上有所重复,"reduced to "是"使....处于"和"let sb. be..."(任...去...)也有一些重复的地方,其实"reduced to"直接用"in"代就好
"in that"的问题,其实在这里可以再用一次"so that "的句型.还有"god"前面要加"the".修改为
I was so sad that I thought the god was so unfair that he abandoned a diligent girl and let her be in a failure


4.at ordinary times 这个我不知道可不可以,但是感觉很别扭,其实可以用"daily"直接跟在句尾,就可以表示"平时"

We have always being taught to be successful people.However, we pay too much attention to the result of success and ignore the process of striving. On