几句短语或句子 大家来看看

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:18:51





1.attach a post in a Chinese Forum
2.They dispaly their power to the whole world
3.In Mrach ,I provided 20 questionnaires , and post a topic on a very famous Chinese Forunm and receive 52 replies at last.
4.The population of China grows rapidly and the population of Korea droped dramatically, however, more and more Chinese know less and less about Chinese culture and reluctant to know them which means they will konw less and less about their motherland .

1、post in the Chinese Forum.
2、They demonstrated their strength to the whole world.
3、In March, I sended 20 questionnaires , and posted in a famous Chinese Forum , finally ,received a total of 52 questionnaires.