谁帮我翻译成英文摘要!! 急~~~ 在线中

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帮我翻译英文摘要 ~~~~急 在线等!!!!!!!!!!!!
悬赏分:5 - 解决时间:2008-5-10 22:55
在韩国“电影配额制”是 社会所关注的一个 话题。 本文在这一背景下,详细 得研究韩国电影配额制在电影业中的现况和影响力。全文绪论说明整个韩国电影产业的概况,产业发展的背景。正文共分为四个部分:第一部分概述了所要电影配额制的定义,韩国电影配额制的概况,同时介绍国外的情况。;第二部分将对维持、缩小、废除电影配额制的赞同与反对立场 进行了详细描述。;第三部分在第二部状况描述的基础上分析了《电影配额制》关联的经济效应 。;第四部分是本研究的结论和思考部分。提出了今后关于电影配额制的对应方案 。

关联词: 电影配额制, 韩国电影, FTA

In Korea, film quota system is a focused social topic. Under such backgroud, we investigate its situation and influence in film industry in detail. Introduction part summarizes the Korean film industry and background of develpment. Text part is devided into 4 sections: 1. Summarize the conception of film quota system, situation of this, and introduce the counterpart abroad. 2. Detailed analysis the on and against position to keep, lesson or abrogate film quota system. 3. Based on section 2, analysis the economic result related to film quota system. 4. Conclusion and consideration of this research. Put forward proposals for film quota system

Key words: film quota system, Korean film, FTA