
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 01:42:13
中国水世界公司,成立于2000年,注册资本600万.系台湾资独资企业. 主要经营冰鲜及冷冻金枪鱼, skip jack, 鱿鱼等系列产品。并附带经营阿拉斯加及墨西哥海参的批发。 历经8年艰苦奋斗,现如今已经在泰国,美国设立分公司,并在斯里兰卡,普吉岛组建船队,其中包括绳钓船,金枪鱼船和运输补给船并采取水温作业,拥有良好的专业技术,充足的运输补给,在保证品质鲜美的同时也稳定了货物的供应量,能够长期作业. 2007年,本公司在墨西哥,美国阿拉斯加成立了分公司,进行海参,鱼翅的出口。 长期的专业运作造就了广阔坚实的行业生存能力。日本,韩国,欧美,中东,这些都是我们稳定的水产品合作伙伴。快速的航空运输,极高的商业信誉,专业的加工生产,庞大的渔船作业队伍,充盈的货量供应以及高标准的的产品质量和严格的卫生检验都给与了我们面对市场竞争最大的信心,也是给与了我们的客户最高的产品保证。产供销一条龙运作,使得我们在价格及运输上拥有良好的优势。本公司期待着更多的合作伙伴,让我们把新鲜美味的水产,送到您的餐桌前,用最好的品质造就最好的品牌,

China's water world, was established in 2000, the registered capital of 6 million. Of the Taiwan-owned enterprises. Main business of chilled and frozen tuna, skip jack, squid and other products. And Alaska and Mexico with operating the wholesale sea cucumber. After eight years of hard work, is now in Thailand, the United States set up their branches and in Sri Lanka, Phuket formation of the fleet, including the rope fishing boat, tuna vessels and transport and supply ships to take water temperature operations, has good professional skills, Adequate transport supplies, to ensure the quality of tasty but also stabilize the supply of goods, long-term operations. 2007, the Company in Mexico, American and Alaska set up a branch, sea cucumber, shark fin exports. Long-term professional operation created a vast solid viability of the industry. Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States, the Middle East, these are our stable partner aquatic products. Rapid air transport, high business re