Bob and Jim once worked in the same factory...的翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:48:47
Bob and Jim once worked in the same factory .One day, Bob lent Jim ten dllars, but then Jim left his work and went to work in another town without giving back the money.
Bob did see Jim for a year. And at that time he knew from another friend that Jim was in anther town and staying at a hotel(旅馆). So he went there to see Jim late in the evening.
When he got to Ji room, he saw Ji shoes near the door.“Well, he must be in,” he thought, and knocked at the door. There was no answer. He knocked again, and said,“I know you are in, Jim. Your shoes are out here.”


鲍勃和吉姆曾经工作在同一个工厂。一天,鲍勃借给吉姆10 美元,但随后吉姆离开他的工作和去了另一个城市上班,而不归还这笔钱。
当他到了房门前,他看到鞋子在门附近。 “好,他一定在” ,他认为,然后敲门。没有人回答。他再次敲门,并说: “我知道你在,吉姆。您的鞋在这里“ 。