
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 10:02:18


States increasingly close economic and trade activities, so we have to understand each country's negotiating style to help us in the economic and trade activities in a more smooth. Comparing Europe and the United States businessmen gentleman, even the bargain will be shy, based on their economic base, their pursuit of product quality. Although the strength of countries in the Middle East, but the Jewish nature of the cunning, good at bargaining, it would create traps for the Chinese people hoodwinked. As for the African countries, because their economy is relatively backward, so the quality of the products Yaoqiubugao, the cheaper the better. Also easy to negotiate. Many businessmen in Southeast Asia along the Chinese offspring, nature is a typical Chinese businessman, very smart - to count every penny is very clear. But negotiations to remove each country's culture and style of neglect, most countries are attached considerable importance to confidence. That&#