
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:23:28
Almost everyone knows the meaning of Mr, Mrs and Miss.Mr is used before the names of men.Mrs is for married women and Miss is for single women.But what is Ms?
For some time,businessmen in the United States have used Ms before a woman's name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not.Today,however,many women prefer to use Ms rather than Mrs or Miss.The word Mr does not tell us whether or not a man is married. Many women think this is an advantage for men.They want to be equal with men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether they are married or not.
There are some problems with Ms,however.Not all women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things.Some find it difficult to pronounce.(Ms sounds like "miz".) Generally,young women like it better than older women do.It is difficult to know whether or not Ms will be used by more American women in the future.What do you think of this change?

Almost everyone knows the meaning of Mr, Mrs and Miss.
翻译:几乎所有人都知道Mr, Mrs 和Miss的含义


.Mr is used before the names of men.

这个你的理解有误,在这儿is used是表示被动,不是完成时. 这句话的意思是"先生的称呼被用在男性的名字前面"

Mrs is for married women and Miss is for single women.
翻译:Mrs 和Miss是分别适合于已婚女人和单身女人.

在这儿for可以意译为适合于,但是准确的来说应该是"Mrs用于已婚女人,Miss用于单身女人" 这个是直译,显得比较呆板. 你那样的理解也是对的.

But what is Ms?

这句你说的是对的. 不存在语法的问题,就是but在此表示转折,然后接了一个由what引导的疑问句.

For some time,固定词组:一段时间

不能单纯的理解为固定词组,在这里for是一个表示"在一段时间内"的介词,后面接了some time. 表示"在一段时间内"

businessmen in the United States have used Ms before a woman's name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not.