
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 15:43:57
不好意思打扰你.我是在CC上班的一名员工.近期我们同事发现 FES的IT素质非常差,态度也不好.造成了对我们的工作有一定的影响.况且我们知道FES的IT经常性向vendor要回扣.还经常给vendor制造一些麻烦而素取一些钱.我觉得这种行为不应该在bic发生.FES的IT水平没有TC公司的好.我觉得在我们部门的IT应该替换一个或者开除.以免影响我们以后的正常工作.希望老板尽快解决这个问题.

Sorry for disturbing you. I'm an employee of CC. Recently our colleagues have found FES has a very bad IT quality and ill-mannered, which has affected our work a lot. What is worse, we know that the IT people of FES often asks vendors for kickbacks and makes some trouble for vendors to get some money. I think such kind of things should not happen in bic. FES's IT skills are not as good as TC. Therefore I think the IT people in our department should be replaced or dismissed, so as not to affect our normal work in future. I wish our boss could solve this problem as soon as possible.


I am sorry interrupt you. I was an employee of the CC to work. Our colleagues recently found that FES of very poor quality of IT, the attitude is not good. The result of our work has a certain impact. FES Furthermore, we know that the IT vendor often aptitude To rebate. Frequently to the vendor to create trouble and take in some money and I think that such acts shou