找人翻译 关于遗传算法的。哥哥姐姐们来帮忙呀

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 02:52:52
It is a common knowledge that a successful implemen-tation of an evolutionary technique for a particular real-world problem requires some additional heuristics.These heuristic rules may apply to genetic represen-
tation of solutions, to `genetic' operators that alter their composition, to values of various parameters, to methods for creating initial populations. Also, the pro-
cess of evaluating an individual in a population may be quite complex (especially in the presence of feasi-ble and unfeasible solutions of a constrained problem)

它是一种常见的知识,一个成功的实施情况体的一个循序渐进的技术为某一真实世界的问题,需要一些额外的heuristics.these启发式规则可能适用于遗传represen -
弗塞斯评价个人在一个人口可能会相当复杂(特别是在在场的feasi -连接和不可行解的约束问题)