
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 19:30:13
An introduction is made to the different current forms of specific quality in food products and their symbols of differentiation. The designations linked to a geographical area (Protected Designation of Origin and Protected Geographical Indication) are analyzed and compared with other designations linked to production methods (Generic Designation and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed). Mention is made of other types of designation, promoted mainly by the Autonomous Communities (designations of quality and regional distinctive labels), as well as other possibilities of differentiating identification, such as collective brands and guarantee brands. An analysis is then made of the general adaptation of fish products to the distinctive symbols mentioned,emphasizing the difficulties that arise in these products when conditions are applied to them that have been established for agricultural and livestock products. Spanish fishing sector products for which protection under the ex

一介绍了目前不同形式的特定质量,在食品产品和其符号的分化。所用的称号联系在一起的一个地理区域(保护指定的原产地和受保护的地理标志)是分析和比较,与其他的称号联系在一起的生产方法(通用的设计与传统的专业保证) 。提到了其他类型的称号,晋升,主要是由自治社区(指定的质量和鲜明的区域标签),以及其他的可能性,鉴别鉴定,如集体品牌和保证的品牌。一分析,然后作出的一般适应的鱼类产品,以独特的符号提及,强调困难,出现在这些产品时,条件是适用于他们已建立了农业和畜牧业产品。西班牙渔业部门的产品,为保护,根据现行的称号已要求中提到的,以及捕捞和水产养殖业的产品可能会被列入下,这些名称,简要分析其潜在的适应。最后,参考了所设想的演变,这些区分的符号对更多的形式更适合鱼类产品。