
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 16:40:40

However, the situation of the pet phrase page is not so, there is very long history as a subject of teaching to express orally, but the spoken language page has a decisive impact on foreign language teaching and is nothing but the recent thing. Originally. Spoken teaching pay attention to, pronounce, because people think pet phrase page with written language difference of page lie in pet phrase page to read, come out at that time. Later, spoken teaching paid attention to the single word again, but sentence, whole page article, but still followed the page teaching mode of the written language. One that is with spoken teaching is complete day by day, problems remained to solve in teaching are more and more too, because although pet phrase page and written language page have something in common, there is more difference. First of all, the oral language has no rule with stronger influence of written language to describe. In fact, the variant is an essential feature of the oral language.