
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 00:31:36
laws in England during this period were very hard,and people were punished badly for even the smallest crimes.A man could be sentenced to death for hunting on another man's propery or he could be put to death for cutting down someone else'tree.For many other crimes,the punishment was "transportation".the prisoners were shipped to a distant land where he was forced to work without pay.often women and children were shipped to other lands,too.


在这一时期的英国法律是很严苛的,人们会因为一些小过错而受到严厉的惩罚。 一个人会被因追逐别人的钱财(properity?)或是砍了别人的树而被判死刑。 对其他很多的犯罪有一种惩罚就是“运送”。犯人被送到很远的地方做苦力且没有收入。通常妇女和儿童也会被送到其他地方。