英语题. 很简单啦

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:40:48
1 我妈妈让我周日呆在家里
2 我们去看电影有的很开心
3 我发现李雪在教室里学习
4 街上挤满了人
5 昨天下了雨

My mother asked me to stay at home on Sunday.
We went to see the film, some of us are happy.
I find li xue is studying in the classroom.
people crowd in the street.
it was rained ysterday.

my mother asks me to stay at home on Sunday.

we went to see the film, some of us aere happy.

i found lixue studying in the classroom.

people crowd in the street.

it rained last night.

1 My mother lets/makes me stay at home on Sunday.
2 We went to watch the movie,some were very happy.
3.I found Li Xue studying in the classroom.
4.The street is crowed with people.
5.It rained yesterday.

1.My mother had me stay at home on sunday.
2.Some of us were happy because of watching the movie.
3.I found Li Xue was studying in the classroom.
4.The street was crowed with people.
5.It rained yesterday.