
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:31:41
摘 要



文化 差异 英语习语


language is the carrier of culture,while idioms are sentences or phrases that specially concentrate on culture. Idioms are created by human beings in physical labour. They have close relation with people's life and social environment and clearly reflect a nation's characteristic of culture.Through the description of english-chinese idioms as well as their cultural origin, this paper helps readers to get more accquintance to idioms.
Key Werds: culture, dicrepancy, English idoms

language is the carrier of culture, while idioms are sentences or phrases that concentrate on culture specially.Human being has created idioms in physical labour.the idiom has had close relation with people's life and social environment. the idiom can clearly reflect a nation's characteristic of culture. through the description of english-chinese idioms as well as their cultural origin, this paper helps readers to get more accquintance to idioms.
