
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:40:57
7. what are the functions of a modern company
•Companies formed for reasons other than the profits of their members For example,
for social, charitable or quasi-charitable purposes.
•companies which enable a single trader or a small body of partners to carry on a business .Incorporation is a device for obtaining legal personality for the business and divorcing its liability from that of its members ,despite the fact that the members retain control and share the profits .The ‘one-person’ company is a frequent source of danger to creditors and is formed mainly for taxation purposes
•companies formed to enable the investing public to share in the profits of the enterprise without actually taking part in its management .,These are economically the most important registered companies.
•companies established by statute. These companies carry out administrative duties as required by particular Acts of Parlianment.Examples include

•公司,使一个单一的买卖或小团体的伙伴开展业务。团是一个装置获得法律人格的业务和办理离婚手续的,其责任由该委员会的成员,尽管事实上成员保留控制和共享利润。 '一人'的公司是一个频繁,危险的根源,以债权人和形成,主要为税收目的
