
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 16:46:25
摘 要: 桥梁基础工程发展到今天,已经不受水文、地质条件的控制,所重视的是工程结构本身和经济效益。为使项目工程取得成功,项目管理对组织的资源进行计划、组织、控制和协调。使用这个工具能够改善项目管理的过程,提高管理水平,更好地实现项目的目标。如果施工项目进度计划编制得不合理,就必然导致资源配置的不均衡,影响经济效益。工作结构分解是工程项目管理中很重要的环节,项目启动过程中及项目启动后都有要进行项目的工作结构分解。项目的WBS主要是将整个项目分解成为便于管理的具体工作单元。在制定项目计划时,Microsoft Project 将根据我们所提供的信息计算并建立一个工作计划。进度方案的科学决策,是实现进度控制的先决条件;进度计划的编制是实现进度控制的重要基础;实施有效的进度控制是实现过度控制的根本保证。
关键词:钻孔灌注桩,深水桩基, Microsoft Project,项目管理,进度计划

Abstract:(摘要:) The bridge foundation works to develop today, has not hydrological and geological conditions of control, which attaches importance to the project structure itself and economic benefits. To project a success, project management of the organization's resources to plan, organize, control and coordination. Use this tool to improve project management process, enhance the management level, to better achieve the objectives of the project. If the progress of construction projects in the planning unreasonable, it will inevitably lead to the uneven distribution of resources, the impact of economic benefits. Decomposition of the work of project management is a very important aspect of the project started in the course of the project and after the commencement of the project has to be the work of decomposition. WBS is the main item of the whole project will become a manageable decomposition of the specific work units. In formulating plans for the project, Microsoft Project wi