英语doing和to do

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 23:46:13
后面+doing和to do的单词、短语有哪些?
如finish doing sth,look forward to doing sth,see sb doing sth,
learn to do sth

want sb to do sth
make sb do sth
mind doing sth
finish to do sth
finish doing sth
like to do sth
like doing sth
listen to sth
hear sb to do sth
forget to do sth
forget doing sth
how to do sth
used to do sth
by dong sth
wait sb to do sth
hope to do sth
sb want to do sth
be busy doing sth
do one's best todo sth
sb need to do sth
try to do sth
tell sb to do sth
tell sb not to do sth
stop sb from doing sth
have trouble doing sth
lend sb to do sth
manage to do sth
go on doing sth
be interested in doing sth
be afraid to do sth
too...to do sth
end up doing sth
get used to do sth
What about doing sth
would like to do sth
mind one's doing sth
be make up of doing sth
get to do sth
become expect at doing sth
succeed in doing sth
ask sb about doing st