论文摘要翻译 英语高手的大哥大姐帮忙 着急着急着急!!!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 23:31:46
Excel是一个快速制表、将数据图表化以及进行数据分析和管理的工具软件包。Excel可以管理、组织纷繁复杂的数据,并对数据进行分析处理,最后以图表、统计图形的形式给出分析结果。在Excel 2003中,可以通过图表把工作表中的数据更直观地表现出来。图表是在工作表中输入数据后,利用Excel 2003将各种数据建成的统计图表,它具有较好的视觉效果,可以查看数据的差异、图案和预测趋势,本文将利用Excel的数据图表功能对单摆周期与单摆摆长、单摆摆角、以及摆球质量的关系进行系统的研究。


Excel is a fast tabulation, data and charts of data analysis and management tools package. Excel can manage, organize complex data, and data analysis, the final charts, statistical graphs presented in the form of analytical results. In Excel 2003, through the charts in a sheet data more intuitive demonstrated. Charts in the sheet input data, the use of Excel 2003 will be built in various data tables and charts, it has a better visual effect, you can see the difference between data, patterns and predict trends, the paper will use Excel functions on the data chart Pendulum cycle and long-Swing, Swing-angle and put the ball between the quality of the research.