
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 23:46:42
1.伟人已离我们远去,但毋庸置疑的是他的影响会长存于世。(endure, no doubt)
提示:“毋庸置疑”译为there is no doubt that;“长存于世”即“长存”,“于世”不必翻译。
2.他承认遇到的困难远比预料得多。(admit (to) doing)
提示:“遇到”显然发生在“承认”之前,所以应译为动名词的完成时,即“having done”,另外,此句比较含义,故“困难”应译为“更多的困难”,“比预料得多”可以译为“than was/had been expected”
3.中国人民不允许任何人干扰即将举行的奥运会。(allow sb to do)
4.一场龙卷风(tornado)席卷了美国部分地区,致使许多人无家可归。(sweep, leaving)
提示:brag+that从句,而brag about后跟名词或动名词。后半句可以译为非限制性定语从句,即将“这”译为“which”;“反感”可译为“hate”或“dislike”,注意要给动词加上宾语,宾语可以是it,也可以是dislike。前者指“他喜欢吹嘘自己的过去”这件事,后者指“他”这个人。

1. Great man has gone away from us, but no doubt he is chairman of the impact of the world. (Endure, no doubt)
Tip: "There is no doubt," translated as there is no doubt that; "lives the world" that "lives" and "the world" without translation.
2. He acknowledged the difficulties encountered much more than expected. (Admit (to) doing)
Tip: "encounter" is clearly in the "recognition", it should be translated into the fixed term is completed, that is, "having done", In addition, the meaning of this sentence comparison, the "difficult" should be translated into "more difficult" , "Is much more than expected" can be translated as "than was / had been expected"
3. The Chinese people do not allow anyone interfere with the upcoming Olympic Games. (Allow sb to do)
Tip: "The upcoming" can be understood as "forthcoming", that is "co