
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 05:41:29
The Design Approach of
High-Rise Building

Types of Buildings
The part of the building that holds up the weight and load is called the structural part. Parts, such as windows, that do not hold up the building are the mom-structural parts. Buildings fall into two very broad, structural types because of the different ways that buildings are made to hold up weight. These types are:
1. Frame structures, where a frame, or skeleton, holds up the weight and other materials are used to close the building up. Frame structures can be made of wood, metal, or concrete.
2. Mass wall types, where solid materials such as concrete, brick, and other types of masonry are used to build heavy walls that hold up the building. This type can be made of brick, stone, and separate concrete and monolithic concrete parts.
Frame structures are built more often than mass wall buildings making a frame building in its broadest sense is simply making a frame that holds up the r


部分大楼举行了重量和负荷是所谓的结构性的一部分。零件,如Windows ,不举行了建设是妈妈-结构部分。建筑物可分为两类,非常广泛,结构类型,因为不同方式的建筑物是为了阻碍了重量。这些类型有:
1 。框架结构,框架,或骨架,举行了重量和其他材料,是用来关闭建设。框架结构可作木材,金属或混凝土。
2 。地下墙的类型,如固体材料,如混凝土,砖,和其他类型的砌体是用来建立沉重的墙壁进行了建设。这种类型可以作出的砖,石,以及单独的混凝土及铁板一块混凝土部分。
许多建筑物是没有框架。墙上这些建筑物都是一些强有力的物质,如混凝土,砖,或石头。墙壁必须强大和稳固的支持负荷的地板和屋顶。大规模的墙壁是很强烈的和持久的。墙壁制成的边缘,或泥已持续了数百年,甚至数千年之久。古代地下墙的建筑物,包括金字塔的埃及,体育馆,罗马,巴黎圣母院大教堂Notre Dame在巴黎,和悬崖的民居古印第安人的美国西南部。