
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 09:45:57

与传统购物方式相比,网上购物突破了时间与空间的局限性,使得人们足不出户就可以购买到自己心仪的商品。为了设计出一个功能完备的购物网站,本人首先学习了SQL语言原理、ASP.NET 2.0网站开发等多门课程,接着对该系统进行了可行性分析、需求分析及功能模块的划分,建立起一个数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的数据库,并由此设计了应用程序。本系统主要以Microsoft Visual Web Developer、SQL Server 2000作为开发工具,着重论述了系统的数据库结构及各个功能模块的实现,包括会员注册、分类浏览、商品查询、后台数据库管理等。

compared with the tradition way of shopping, internet shopping breath through time and space, it make people don't even have to go outside of their house to buy the product they really wanted. To design a shopping website with full funtion, i first learned SQL language principium, ASP.NET 2.0 website impolder and other special classes, then i analysis the system, requirement analysis and fuction module compartmentalize, build a date cohereence and strong integrality, secure data base, and design a apllication by those. this systems mainly made by Microsoft Visual Web Developer、SQL Server 2000, emphasiz describe the system data bases configuration and other function, including member registration, classify browse, commodity search, and background database manage... ...

Compared with the traditional shopping method, the on-line shopping broke time and limit of space sex, make people keep the house and then can purchase oneself adoring merchandise.For designing a shopping web